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Carpenter Headshot 1.jpg

American Baritone, JOHN CARPENTER, joined the ensemble of Theater Freiburg in 2017/18. Roles included Schaunard in La bohème, Joe Pitt in Angels in America, Father and Other Father in Coraline, Hermann and Schlemihl in Tales of Hoffmann. For the 2018/19 season, John Carpenter can be heard as Pelléas in Pelléas et Mélisande, Dr. Falke in Die Fledermaus, Schaunard in La bohème, Father and Other Father in Coraline, Saretzky in Eugene Onegin, Masetto in Don Giovanni, and Baritone in Wunderland

John Carpenter was a member of the ensemble at the Deutsche Oper Berlin in 2016/17. Roles included Valentin in Faust, Moralès in Carmen, Christiano in Un ballo in maschera, and many others.  

Previously, he was a member of the OpernStudio at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons. His roles included Oscar Wisting in the world premiere of South Pole, Raimbaud in Le Comte Ory, Journalist in Lulu, Commissario in Madama Butterfly, and others. 

John Carpenter finished his musical education at the Pennsylvania State University in May of 2014. The 26-year-old baritone studied voice privately with Graham Sanders.